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🎶Memories are made of this🎵

Can nostalgia be dangerous? Brrrm Brrrm! Walking straight onto a plane with no security checks Carrying my speargun as cabin baggage in a plane First and business class transatlantic flights with no beds Airplane tickets made by travel agents only Smoking carriages on the subway/smoking sections on a plane Asking what is the movie on the plane Hovercraft to France Railway carriages with compartments and corridors Going for a Sunday drive 101 Octane Fuel Buses with conductors Driving without a seatbelt Just a radio with a single speaker in the car Spare tyres in cars No speed limits on motorways Electric Milk Floats Parking meters fed with coins
...and another thing
It’s not a fad!
Hula Hoops
Pet Rocks
Cabbage Patch Dolls
Tracy Island
Sony Walkman
Troll Doll
Lava lamp
Space Dust
Tickle Me Elmo
Chia pet
...and another thing
It’s so healthy!
All soda drinks
Candy that looked like cigarettes
BirdsEye Frozen Faggots
Deep fried Marrs Bars
Pez dispensers
Spam fritters
Aerosol cheese
Vesta dried meals
Powdered fresh orange juice
Cigarette advertisements
Handkerchiefs you blow your nose in and kept in your pocket
Skiing without helmets
Sex without condoms
Cocaine is not addictive
Sunscreen is for sissies
Diet pills
Fish meringue pie
...and another thing
Gone and now forgotten!
Pubic Hair
Beer cans without ringpulls
Address books
Road maps
Telephone Directories
Cheque Books
X-rays at shoe shops
Telephone Kiosks
Directory Enquiries
Punts, Francs, Marks, Lira, Schilling, Kroner, Escudo, Peso, Florins, FTX, One Coin, Das Coin, BitConnect
PanAm, TWA, Braniff
Blockbuster, Tower records, Compaq
Fruitopia, Squeezits, Dunkaroos
...and another thing
Cutting edge technology!
TV Aerials
45 and 33 1/3 records
Record players
Cassette players
CD players
Video players
DVD launch parties bigger than movie opening parties
Computer discs
Teasmade Alarm clocks
Slide rules
Speaking clock
House phones with an aerial
Rabbit Ears (U.K.)
The electric handshake noise on dialling into the web
Telex machine
Slide projector
Carbon paper
Credit card imprinters
...and another thing
That’s Entertainment!
Two movies per show
Cartoon only cinemas
An usherette to show you to your seat in the Cinema
Weekly appointment viewing
TV schedule clashes
Newsreaders who just read the news
Top shelf Porn magazines
Kodachrome and Fuji film
Page Three Topless models in The Sun Newspaper
Top of the Pops
Saturday Afternoon Wrestling with Ken Walton (U.K.)
Closedown of all TV stations late at night
...and another thing
It’s called fashion, dooh!
Bell bottoms
Platform shoes
Mullet Haircut
Afghan coats
Shoulder pads
Go-Go boots
Shell suits
Skirt overs
Harem pants
...and another thing
Once a kid, always a kid!
Only two things could kill you; natural causes or talking back to your parents
Cycling to school alone, no helmet
Building the Guy for Guy Fawkes Day
Playing with fireworks
Cap guns which we pointed at each other
Penny chews
Gobstopper sweets so big they could choke you
Boxing at school
Being beaten at school with a cane, gym shoe or slipper
Fighting having a haircut
Always carrying a pocket knife
Always respecting the Police
Real toys never used batteries
Hand warmers that were actually real fires encased inside asbestos
Conker fights are compulsory as a boy
You are the engine that powered the lawnmower
...and another thing
That’s how it’s always been and always will be!
Two sexes
The Soviet Block
Wearing ties every day at school
Hair with a parting
Shops closed on Sundays
No minorities in Hallmark commercials
Pub and bars licensing hours
Avon calling
School reports handwritten by the teacher
House calls from Doctors
Dentist visits always hurt… but he gives you candy if you don’t cry
Kids walking shoes were made from tough leather uppers and leather soles, with lace ups
Gym shoes were called plimsoles
The Grocery store had people behind counters who served you
You went shopping with a wicker basket
Milk came in glass bottles
The Onion man delivers to your door
You played outside in the streets
Band aids are not waterproof
To take your temperature they shove a breakable glass tube full of poisonous mercury up your rectum
Bell hops at hotels come outside to get your bags as soon as the taxi pulls up
Stay safe.

Everything I want for Christmas listed there – thank you.
Have a wonderful holiday
Brilliant !!! And no internet !!
Brilliant !!! All recipients should make am additional suggestion. Mine would be ….. No f…..g internet !!