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These people charge like the Light Brigade…

Do I meekly accept additions or extra costs that are beyond the ridiculous? I have just returned from a business trip in Europe. In Germany, a one day charge in my room for Wi-Fi access was 35% of the room rate!! Dry cleaning and laundry at the same hotel meant after two washes I had paid for the price of my underpants! The owner of the subcontracted laundry service must also be a major launderer of cash. To add insult to injury I hired a Sat Nav with my car rental the next day in Italy. It was an old dilapidated Garmin that had not had any updates since Caesar built the roads. I found myself on the screen driving over fields when actually I was hurling along a new motorway. And the cost of renting this stone-age piece of technology cost more in a week than the machine itself! Airport Parking. Not being a fully qualified Codebreaker I am afraid deciphering airport tariffs are beyond me. Some are so complex you need Stephen Hawking sitting next to you to work out what a day’s parking actually costs. Download warnings. Whenever my iPad or iPhone gets a note from my operator to say I am near my limit when abroad, I simply turn them off. I have learnt to my cost that no matter if I agree to a new bundle of tariffs, put the thing in airport mode or just run it over with a tank, the phone and Pad still manage to ratchet up charges that soon become the size of a small nation's national debt.
...and another thing
Things that are ‘Free’.
As far as I am concerned, ‘I’m free’ is a child with a mild speech impediment when you ask him how old he is when aged between two and four.
Free Games. Free with my money, sure. Has anyone downloaded a free game that you can actually finish without having to buy bonus balls, extra guns, or thermonuclear orange juice? You can’t.
Free Airline Mileage Tickets. Quite apart from the fact that any destination you want to go to can only ever be booked a century in advance….on Tuesdays….with a full moon…not sitting together….and via another airport six time zones different from your destination. Air miles are free like a verruca and about as much use.
Free cruise. Yes, that’s right, you won a free cruise as texted to you on your phone. Teensy Weensy problem you have to go through a survey first….then pay a non-refundable “Government support tax”….then still hand over your credit card details and get charged a fortune on the air-flight. Your free luxury cabin is as basic as a tent and everything else is extra including breathing on board!!!!
Free money. Of the numerous bogus scams on the internet from Nigerian funds to unclaimed inheritance just remember… the best things in life may be free but you still have to pay for shipping and handling.

Good point. How about those free trails where you have to enter your credit card details. “Just enter your credit card details here and we’ll cross our fingers and hope you forget to cancel once your free trail expires”.
Free freee falling
I have been stung by internet access charges in the USA also. I won’t stay in a hotel unless it offers complementary WiFi. Consumer pressure is the way to change these rorts!